Friday, October 28, 2011

The First(ish) Part Of The Plan...

God is unveiling His plan for us to adopt our child(ren).

In June, when we started the adoption process, we found out that there would be a workshop that was offered in October, that would be needed to complete the Assessment (home study) that wouldn't be offered again until February of 2012. Two weeks prior to the workshop we got our official invitation, and were talking about whether or not we should go. We had planned to wait until February because of financial reasons. It was $300.00 to attend. BUT....then, God brought something to our attention. He reminded us that at that point in time, he had provided us with about $350.00 (ish) through our "Adopting for a dollar" event. We then realized that God had given us enough money to attend the workshop!

We were thinking about waiting until more money comes in, before we spend money we have, so that we could make sure we would have enough to continue the process. However, God said, "I'm providing for you now, and I will continue to provide for you as we go along. Just trust me." So, we went!

Outside of simply being a requirement, the workshop was VERY helpful. Our eyes were opened to a lot of new things. We saw that the main purpose of this process is NOT about us, and our selfish desires, but about what is best for the child(ren) that God will be bringing into our lives. This seems like common sense, but we were really challenged to truly evaluate why we want to adopt. We realized that we want to adopt to fulfill the wants that we have to be parents, and also to give a kid the best life possible, and show them the love of God. God brought to the forefront of our minds what is at the core of adoption, and parenting in general. And that is that it's ALL about the children.

We learned that it's important for us, as adoptive parents, to make memories for the child(ren) we bring home, while we are in the country. For example, learning about their culture, the environment they have (so far) been brought up in, their rituals, their routines, who was caring for them etc. are important. This gives the child(ren) a sense of identity.

Other things that we found to be important are: taking time while we are there to be with our child in their native country. Doing things in the city, or wherever it is they are from. Doing their normal cultural activities, and taking pictures (if possible), which gives them documentation, and concrete things to hold on to, about the beginning of their life.

Overall, it was really refreshing and helpful to see & learn from all the different angles of adoption.

If you have questions or want to know more about our past couple days at this workshop, let us know!

God is good. He cares for His children. He leads us beside still waters, and makes us to lie down in green pastures. He is generous, gracious, powerful and sovereign. He has provided for us in time of need through people. And so we thank God for using you, and we thank you for being obedient. God is good.

The Svaleson's

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What God has been teaching...

Hello everyone! I know it hasn't been that long since I first blogged, but I just felt like sharing some things with you all! I wanted to clue you in to what God has been doing through "Adopting for a dollar." He has been doing GREAT things, and continues to show up when we least expect it...especially on the days that I doubt. When you look at the amount of $25,000-$30,000 to adopt a child...I get overwhelmed! I think thoughts such as, "We are NEVER going to raise this much money" or "I don't know how God's going to pull this one off...." etc...I have more of those days then I do positive ones. I know that God provides, but I (and God) have been examining my heart, and he has shown me that I haven't been FULLY trusting God. Nothing is impossible with God. (Matthew 19:26-Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.-NIV) God was showing me, and saying to me, "Yes Marissa, when you try to raise money on your own, and do things on your own, it is impossible to raise the amount you need...but you have to have faith and trust, and KNOW that with me (God) all things are possible!" I praise you God for showing this to me.

Our God is so faithful, and provides for us. And for that I (and I know Josh is too) am VERY grateful. I just want to share with you something that God has been showing Josh and myself. He is showing his generosity through people here on earth. People, and their generosity have been BLOWING us out of the water! Our "adopting for a dollar" fund is now up to $541.30!! We were NOT expecting this at all. Man, did we put God in a box. The support from people has been so GREAT, and it gives us so much encouragement. We are so thankful for support from our friends and family. We have been getting letters/money from people in California, Minnesota....people that WE DON'T KNOW....but God knows them, and has blessed us by putting them in our lives, and in our story...which is GOD'S story.

I just want to end with these verses that applies to our family's situation right now in life, but I know that it applies to EVERYONE'S life and story.

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Seek FIRST His kingdom...and these "things" (anything you ask for within the Father's will) will be given to you.
Thank you all SO MUCH for everything, and thank you to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whom without Him, we would have nothing, and would be nowhere. We love you, and worship you, and glorify you Lord Jesus!

The Svaleson's

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The beginning ...

In March of 2010, God told us that we (Josh and Marissa Svaleson) were going to adopt children. We didn't know when, or from where...we just knew that we were supposed to adopt children. So, we looked into it. We found out that we weren't old enough, AND we hadn't been married long enough in order to begin the adoption process. So, we began to wait. And while we were waiting, the Lord prepared us more, and showed us that we were going to adopt somewhere in Africa, probably Ethiopia. Now, we are old enough, so we applied with the Village here in Fargo, and was accepted. We also think we may have found our international adoption agency as well.

We found out that adopting is going to cost somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000...and that's A LOT of money! :) We are currently at the point in which we need $3,000 to do our home study which "officially" begins the adoption process.

We created this blog to document our journey, but also to inform everyone of where we are at in our adoption process! We know that God is in control of our lives, and has a purpose for this adoption. We are trusting him, and know he will provide for our every need. He deserves ALL of the glory for everything that happens in our lives. 

We currently have started a fundraiser "Adopting for a dollar"...where we only ask people to give a dollar to our fund! God has worked WONDERS through this simple fundraiser...he has blown our minds with showing us the generosity of people! To hear the full story on how this fundraiser started, and to get updates as to where this fund is at, click here

Because of the money raised so far from "Adopting for a dollar", we were able to sign up for a work shop that we need to do to get our home study done! We are so thankful that God has provided for this! This will get the ball rolling for adoption, and we are very excited!

Stay tuned for updates, prayer requests, fundraisers and other fun stuff (like how God is working/providing)

Thank you so much for taking the time to invest in our lives and in this part of HIS story.

In Christ's love,

Josh and Marissa Svaleson